What We Offer

We are a team of experienced consultants with a set of practices, approaches and methodologies to help ensure your HR Technology project is a success right from the start.

Define Strategy

A well thought out technology strategy provides the basis on which to make good decisions. It also helps to create a long term vision which can be shared with key stakeholders, making on-going investment decisions far more likely. Our aim is to help you formulate a strategy to enhance your overall organisation goals and objectives.

Feasibility and Benchmarking

Prior to starting a project some organisations want to understand whether a project is feasible before embarking on the full review. We help to deliver a stakeholder presentation positioning why the project is important, what the benefits are likely to be and how you compare with your competitors.

Business Case Development

We help to create a compelling case for change to enable the board to sign off the project with a realistic budget to deliver business value.

Why is this important?

Far too often business representatives start a project by reviewing what’s in the market without considering the business outcome they are trying to achieve first. The consequence of doing this properly are:

  1. The project will be approved with a more realistic budget
  2. There is a clear baseline to measure the success of the project
  3. The effort carried out during the investigation phase is unlikely to be wasted if there is a strong business case for the project.

Process Mapping

Process Mapping can take a significant amount of time and effort which most businesses don’t have. However, having a well documented set of business processes is becoming more and more important especially with the introduction of GDPR in May 2018.

We help organisations to quickly map their existing processes and carry out a gap analysis with our existing best practice processes. We can save time and money by removing the need to carry out a detailed As Is and To Be activity. Our business processes are available in a variety of formats so you can adapt and tailor them to your future needs.

Requirements Analysis

A well documented set of requirements is essential if you want to control the costs of your project and manage expectations with stakeholders and business users.

We help to document your requirements by blending the feedback from stakeholders, reviewing processes and assessing our requirements template with your priorities. We can ensure you have a more thorough documented set of requirements which are critical when identifying the total cost of ownership.

Selection & Procurement

A procurement process needs to be thorough and fair for all participants.

We help to manage the procurement cycle to ensure the process works well, delivers good value and enhances the future relationship with the chosen supplier. Our approach is based on an informed, open, transparent and honest relationship with all parties. Our knowledge of the market and challenges faced will help to reduce cost, effort and risk. We understand the total cost of ownership and are well positioned to drill down into the suppliers capability not only from the technology but also the delivery and on going support.

Technology Evaluation

The technical evaluation should cover the functional capability to support the business requirement and process, the underlying platform for stability and scalability, the security, the adaptability and supportability of changes, the ease of use for administrators and the end user experience. We have the knowledge and experience to support a thorough technical assessment of the solution to avoid a decision which is purely based on the look and feel of the demonstration.

Due diligence

Due diligence is an essential part of the evaluation process. We help to set up meaningful reference conversations with questions to identify the true customer experience and lessons learned. We also work with the supplier to complete our security questionnaire which is designed to identify any security risks.

Commercial Assessment

The biggest risk for any project is what you are not told and the unwritten assumptions. We help to remove this risk by carrying out a thorough commercial assessment covering software licensing, terms and conditions, increasing or decreasing license costs, software dependencies and we ensure the supplier defines the deliverables very clearly including the responsibilities from all parties.


Project Governance and Management

We encourage our clients to take responsibility for their project with their own Project Manager. However, for many clients it is difficult to establish the resources with the right skills and availability to run and manage their project. We can help by either providing an experienced Prince 2 qualified Project Manager or we can work alongside an internal Project Manager who may not have all the relevant experience and skills to run a HR Technology project to give them support and guidance.

We strongly advocate good project governance and can support the project steering group by ensuring the project reporting and controls are established and maintained.

Project Controls & Risk Management

A well run project saves time, effort, money and removes unnecessary risks. We have a proven approach to running projects with all the necessary project controls in place, to ensure the project runs on time and to budget.

Change Management

Organisations implementing HR Technology projects whatever size risk the impact of failure because the business is unwilling to make the change or doesn’t accept or appreciate the benefits being delivered. We can help deliver an appropriate change management solution which aims to set expectations correctly and at the same time gain strong buy-in from the business.

Supplier Management

Supplier relationships can sometimes become strained during the pressures of an implementation. A damaged relationship during the implementation can be an issue for the on-going partnership during the life of the contract. We help to work with both parties to help identify the real issues, broker senior management discussions and manage dispute resolution so the relationship can be maintained.

Benefit realisation

When an HR Technology project goes live it is easy to think the work is done but this is only the beginning of the journey. We encourage organisations to carry out a post implementation review to identify the benefits being achieved versus the original objective. We help to ensure where there are further benefits to be achieved, that these are followed through to delivery and reporting to the key stakeholders of the project outcome.

Contact us for more information